Having the world's best science judges converge online during the largest high school academic competition on the planet means preparing cutting-edge research and hitting tight deadlines with high value communication products, among which are stills and video that become part of the researcher's presentation for scoring and for viewing by members of the public. Working with a production studio meant that the student and mentor could focus on the science and the edit instead of having visual limitations restrict their options in post.
Coral Colors & Comms
Spectroscopy is a tool that can reveal quantitative data about organism colors, even underwater—if you have the right tools.
If you need to see whether one coral species is potentially affecting the health of different species that surround it, be prepared to make a lot of coral frags, then observe them carefully over long periods, and take spectral data measurements that capture bleaching, no matter how fleeting. The student researcher made her equipment appeal (and won!) in an international contest by helping judges visualize the rationale behind her method, along with clear demonstration that the request would fulfill the required application exactly.
Parasitic Plant Productions
Plants that live on the juices of other plant species? There are vampires among us!
Stock Video —to learn
The world is an amazing place in big and small ways, from the microscopic to the planetary. Inspiring wonder is a strength of the video medium—but one that takes planning and technical know-how to execute on schedule and within budget.